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Living in QP
Did You Know?
No Parking on Cove or Quaker
Thursdays, 10AM to 4PM |
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Quincy Park
Condominiums are
located in Prospect
Heights, Illinois. Our community is
within walking
distance to an elementary school, the train station is located one mile
away, and the tollway is
nearby. With convenient shopping all around,
Park is a great place to live.
Rent a Parking Spot
A very limited number of parking spaces are available for rent on a monthly basis. These are not permanent and must be vacated on less than thirty days notice when a bank takes possession of the unit. Any amount paid in advance will be refunded for the number of days remaining. Interested parties should contact the office to determine availability. The cost is $75 monthly, payable in advance by money order.
Phone: 847.459.0350
Electronic Recycling - Under the Illinois Produce Recycling and Reuse Act, as of January 2012, most electronic items are prohibited from being thrown away in the trash.
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